

Toon was born in the Netherlands some time ago. In adolescence he played the piano, wrote songs (the bad, adolescent kind), got drunk on weekends, and then fell seriously ill at the age of seventeen. After his recovery, he studied classical piano at the Royal Conservatory and went on to have a bit of a career as a pianist, a tenor and a composer, though never turning away completely from pop and jazz. In 2000 his band 'Dead Parrot' recorded an album with original songs. He moved to San Francisco in 2005, where he was a performer of both Early Music and contemporary classical repertoire, and made a living as a music teacher. Two years later he moved to rural upstate New York, where he now lives with his wife and two children. There he turned once more to songwriting, resulting in a first solo album, titled 'Tehuti'.


February 12th, 2008 + 2:02 PM  ·  NotTheBeatles

Hi everybody,

I spent a lot of time on BandAMP about a year ago, and I have to say, it was always entertaining and often very helpful.  Since then I've been working on a full album of songs, and I'm trying to actually sell my music (now there's a thought...).  So, I hope I'm not breaking any rules if I ask you to visit my website:

This song, Godhead, is the last song on the album.  You can download it for free on the site, or put it in your favorites here, of course.

And by the way, in case you're still looking for a nice Valentine's surprise for your lover or secret crush, send them this link (also totally free):

And lyrics to this and all other seven songs are here:

the-artist-formerly-known-as-NotTheBeatles, or
the-artist-formerly-not-known-as-The Beatles, or
the-artist-now-known-as-Tehuti, or


Still in office

March 27th, 2007 + 4:03 PM  ·  NotTheBeatles

no description needed...


March 24th, 2007 + 8:03 PM  ·  NotTheBeatles

Hi everybody.

This is a piano demo of a song I just wrote about not being there for the birth of my daughter.  Now she's two and we've gotten to know each other a little better .

Here are the lyrics.  Enjoy!


I’ve been longing to see you for what feels like an eternity
It feels good to finally greet you and to hold your tiny body close to me
And I’m oh so sorry I was late
I would never never ever let you down this way
And it hurt me much more to have to wait than I could ever say

It’s so hard not to be there when your mommy’s belly really starts to show
And to be all alone while learning all the things a father needs to know
My heart is aching for the two of you
When I’m finally finally finally getting off that plane
All that I really want to do is just play

And through your eyes so blue
I see the love that shines from you
And it’s clear I love you, too
Just you wait and see

(C) 2007

music download software

January 31st, 2007 + 7:01 PM  ·  NotTheBeatles

Hey everybody. I guess downloading music for free on the internet is legal again - unless it's not 

Check it out here:


September 5th, 2006 + 9:09 PM  ·  NotTheBeatles

how 'bout a happy song?
Alias: NotTheBeatles
Status: Offline
Threads: 8
Posts: 60
Songs: 7
Joined: August 30th, 2006
Last login: February 25th, 2008

My Messengers

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